Are you getting married?

Category: Uncategorised Published: Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Are you planning to get married?  Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS.  Here are just a few important reminders for obtaining your marriage license:

1.  There is a 3 day waiting period from the time you apply for your marriage license until the license can be issued/used.
2.  Once the license is issued, it is valid for 60 days and then it expires.
3.  You can apply for your marriage license in any Pennsylvania County; it is valid state-wide.
4.  Your Pennsylvania marriage license cannot be used in another state.
5.  If you've been divorced, you will need a copy of your divorce decree in order to obtain a marriage license.
6.  The fee in Elk County for a marriage license is $40 payable by cash or check.

You can click HERE for more information including a downloadable marriage license application. Hits: 7278